About Us


Our Story

Endeavoring to protect our planet while achieving your goals.

At BlueEarth, a venture by the Shanti Group, we aim to help organizations to continue to do what they're good at, with meaning and value, while staying within the planet's limitations. Our solutions become a core part of the organization or individual's journey to reduce carbon footprint via providing various mitigation solutions.

Open doors for your next generation to live in a better world


Our Values

We Stand With Our Values

Growth by Innovation

Our need to bring innovative technological solutions to our clients is what drives us to constantly research and develop. With our result-driven approach, we aim to build a greener future for the next generation.

Sustainable Development

As a climate consulting & management firm, we aim to promote sustainable business practices conforming to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to grow together, leaving no one behind.

Transparency & Integrity

The Shanti Group is known for its transparent process and integrity toward the larger community. As one of its venture, these two qualities are at the core of all our operations to ensure longer-lasting partnerships based on trust.

United Stance

We believe that growth starts from the bottom up wherein the smaller communities make up a big part. We aim to grow together with these communities to bring a positive change not only to the environment but also to the people who make it.

Founders message

From Our Founder

At BlueEarth, we have a vision for 'A better world'.

We are the catalyst for bringing positive change to inspire and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Together, we aspire to take this opportunity for all of us and to give back to nature infinitely.

By leveraging the power of carbon credits and climate investments, we strive to redefine the relationship between businesses and the environment.

Our formula for 'A Better World' is an infinite community of like-minded people. Join us on our journey to make a global impact to transform the carbon credit and climate investment landscape while paving the way for a healthier, greener planet. We are ready to lead the charge. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”.

Harshit Agrawal


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Partner with BlueEarth & play your part in transforming our climate for better.

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Get Started

Start Your Climate Journey

We help companies address their climate impacts in detail and make it easy to manage them. Ultimately, we want to see a strong market for this type of product, where each party can find what they are looking for and where they can trust that they are. We want to see a strong market for this type of product.

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